December Featured Author

Lillian Joel

About the Author

Lillian Joel is a woman of faith, power, love, and authority. A person who has welcomed her God ordained assignment to pray for and rebuild our communities with the Word of God.

She is a prayer warrior making an impact on the nation, one community at a time. The audacious teaching, she receives as a partner of Faith City Central Church under the leadership of Pastor Mike and Dr. DeeDee Freeman, has taught Lillian to step out of her fear by meditating on God’s word and allowing it to be final authority in her life!

She is married to Anthony Brown, has one daughter, Brittney, and two bonus sons, Cornell, and Tyrell.

Favorite Bible Verse

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth, it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” ~ Isaiah 55:11

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